Thursday, May 21, 2009


One band you should definately check out is "Stars Of Track And Field"
They wear could you go wrong?!
If you don't like them.......I'll eat my hat!
They are based out of Portland, Oregon, and I see great things happening for them soon. I absolutely love them
Stars of Track and Field burst with indie pop hooks, shoe gazer ambience, and slanted guitar rock. Working from compositions co-written by lead singer Kevin Calaba and guitar player Jason Bell, this three piece that includes drummer Daniel Orvik, concern themselves with subtlety, decisive vocals, lilting harmonies, and interwoven guitar phrasing that's both engaging and warm to the ear. Taking their name from Belle and Sebastian's Brit-folk epic, "stars of track and field you are," they owe as much of their sound to English groups as they do to the surrounding influence of NW indie rock.

Stars of Track and Field - "Centuries" (live at The Troubadour in West Hollywood, CA. 8/22/07)

They remind me of if you threw Simon and Garfunkel, Postal Service, electronica, threw in a little shoe gazer music and other odd bands and you'd get this whipped cream and jalapeno peppers mix. To's liltingly addicting. it's like sugary crack that seeps into your veins and before you know it yer bouncing yourself silly against the walls with dreamy eyes and drooling from the sadness that seams to permeate these songs. Frankly I can't tell if this music is depressing or uplifting. It seams to have both effects for myself. it goes from dreamy silly melodies one moment to sweeping anthemic rock the next.
"Arithmatik" was the first single playing on the radio in the PNW. I love this song as one of my favorites. But the second single was "Movies Of Antarctica". Another great song. Maybe I'll showcase that video tomorrow..........
I think you'd love this band! I've been addicted to them as one of my favorite bands at the moment, ever since I laid ears on them. I can't get enough of them.
hahaha now that I've blushed sweet confectionary sugar about'll probably go......"what's all the hype?"
oh well. just go and let yourself be whisked away. I picture this movie as a soundtrack to unicorns, fairies, clouds and sugary candy. hmmmm weird. The harmonies are what kill me I think.

Stars of Track and Field - "Century" (live at Bumbershoot Seattle, OR. 09/07)

"A little bit poppy, a little bit electronic, a little bit dreamy. Altogether amazing." - New York Post, December 2006
"Like TV on the Radio, the guys in Stars work with seemingly disparate elements: Soft vocals mix with epic rock, samples clash with live sounds and unusual patterns develop within each track." - Orlando City Beat, January 2007
"Good enough to scare the Postal Service gang back into the studio." - The Boston Globe, January 2007

PDX rising sons of epic dream-core

Stars Of Track And Field
Centuries Before Love And War
(Wind Up, 2007)
1. Centuries
2. Movies of Antarctica
3. With You
4. Lullaby for a G.I. / Don’t Close Your Eyes
5. Real Time
6. Arithmatik
7. U.S. Mile 5
8. Say Hello
9. Exit The Recital
10. Fantastic

Stars Of Track And Field played live in concert on some cable show of a gig at The Lone Star Lounge in Austin, Texas for SXSW on 03-17-07.
Dang I'm telling you.. matter of time man.....the fire is growing.

I read all these comments on their Myspace page from people who caught the SXSW Texas gigs. Sounds like they're growing fans. Or rather addicted fans you might say. Bunch of quotes like this, "I can't quit listening to the CD, but to see ya'll live cannot be topped." ...And lots of "y'all's". hahahaha
Download the song Century
I threw in an mp3 of the live show that I saw on tv, that I told you about. It's them playing at SXSW.
Down load the official single above
....and download the live version here (which sounds way better than those live videos above)

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