Reprinted from The Oregonian
What's the matter, Bunky? Got the blues? In a funk? Down in the dumps?

It's not you. It's the day. Yes, you really can blame your trip to Glumville on something other than your own messed-up life. According to a British researcher, Jan. 24 is the -- drum roll, please -- most depressing day of the year.
How has this seemingly harmless 24 hours rocketed to the top -- or maybe it's the bottom -- of the bummer hit parade? According to Dr. Cliff Arnall, an expert on seasonal disorders at the University of Cardiff in Wales, winter woes peak on Jan. 24. It's all quite scientific, as the BBC reported. Arnall's formula takes into account the fact that Jan. 24 comes a whole month after Christmas, and holiday good cheer has fizzled. Not to mention Christmas shopping bills coming due, lousy weather, New Year's resolutions you've already broken, and the sense that you've got nothing to look forward to.
What to do? Sure, it's tempting to stay inside, eat a jumbo bag of

And don't worry, Jan. 24 soon will pass. Spring's just around the corner.
Then again, so is April 15.
Pass the Cheetos.
Oh yeah and don't forget tomorrow is my birthday. Make yourself happy by going out and buying me a present! I like that idea!
And now for your listening pleasure...
1. Brobdingnagian Bards - "Hobbit Happy Birthday Song"
2. Cibo Matto - "Birthday Cake"
A virtual pin the tail on the donkey game
...and be sure to check out Happy Happy Birthday to Me Records for more great music!
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