*RING* *RING* It’s for you! It’s NINO!
“ they like make walls there?” --Paris Hilton
Hey gang! How is it hangin'? Mine's hanging a little to the right, but thanks for asking!! Especially since my birthday is coming up! Yay!

Exactly this time next Wednesday, I’m going to be sipping on a

But anyway, you won't get to see it unless you were invited to the party! Check your tickets folks and make your reservations! Now you might think I’m just some hick that works for a living, but my daily dip in the Information Superhighway Pool doesn’t go unnoticed by the important people. What makes me so confident of my self inflicted importance? Well I’ll tell you: one Brilliant Cracker by the name of Paris Hilton has sent me a Birthday card! And I’d like to share it with you.
Howdy y’all! Happy B-day, Nino! When my little Tinkerbell told me it was your birthday, I was all, "No way, that’s awesome." “The way I see it, you should live everyday like it's your birthday.” And she was all, "Yip Yip Yeah, I’ve partied with that dude in Vegas, he’s da bomb, yo, yip, yip, ruf, ruf, yipe, yipe yipe!." And I was all, "Tink,

Well anyhoo, I’s gots ta run! They’re havin’ a 69¢
special at MickyD’s, and getting engaged ain’t gonna fatten me up itself you know!

Thanks Pear! That birthday card sure beat out my Aunt Pursilla's traditional seven dolla birthday check! Its too bad it came scrawled out in ketcup on a Mickey D's napkin. Oh, and try to hold on to Tink, there. That dog would make a mean hackysack.
Nino Urban Demon/ Groupie Beneficiary
Nino Urban Demon/ Groupie Beneficiary
PS I've got some presents for you! Speaking of Miss Pear Hilton and birthdays...check out these hot slabs of wax...
1. Paris Hilton - "Screwed"
(That's right, here's her new single. Oh the horror!)

Here's to the final countdown to B-day!
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