Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The Ziggens

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ziggens are a band based out of Orange County, California whose self-described style of "cowpunksurfabilly" combines elements of surf rock, punk, ska, and country. The Ziggens are led by Bert Susanka http://media.newtimes.com/1702402.41.jpg who sings and plays rhythm guitar. Other members include Dickie Little on lead guitar, Jon Poutney on bass, and Brad Conyers who plays the drums and provides background vocals. The Ziggens have been playing since the early 1990s and have developed a strong following in Southern California.

The Ziggens were contemporaries with Sublime http://www.myvisiontv.com.au/2009/images/sublime.jpg and were originally released under their Skunk Records label. Their song Big Salty Tears was covered and popularized byBradley Nowell on the Sublime Acoustic album. The Ziggens, and more specifically Bert Susanka were also mentioned in the Sublime song "Greatest Hits".
”I light my cigarette and I think
How Bert Susanka made me drink.
Load the box, and I pump that shit.
It’s the Ziggens greatest hits….”
--Sublime, “Greatest Hits,”
Also, Bert Susanka is sampled in the Sublime song Smoke Two Joints in the line: "Smoke cigarettes til the day she died", taken from The Ziggens song titled, "Outside." The Ziggens contributed a track to the Sublime tribute album released in June 2005, Look At All The Love We Found http://www.cornerstoneras.com/myspace/stle_cd.jpg with a cover of the song Paddle Out. The Ziggens are currently with Cornerstone R.A.S., which is a spinoff of Skunk Records.

The Ziggens
Chicken Out!
Release: 1995
Label: Skunk Records


1. Something About a Waitress
[This should also include cosmotologists (No foolin')]
2. Goober Got a Girlfriend
[A Brad Conyers trip down Mayberry Lane.]
3. That Night in Georgia
[I heard the chorus to this song in a dream...then got up and wrote the verses.]
4. Mystery Lunch
[Thanks to an actual cafeteria worker who lent his talents.]
5. It's Great to Be Unemployed
[...They'd find macaroni and cheese if I was disected...Brad's vocals on chorus remind me of Joe Jack talcum. Also, Jon Poutney sings]
6. Huntington Beach
[My friend told me on the phone that he was afraid to walk his family on the pier.]
7. I Hate Girls and Cars and I Cold Beer
[Poking fun at the lyrical content of rock bands. (Our's included!)]
8. I Am Afraid
[I need that big hand to pick me up and dust me off.]
9. Heart Attack
[...or maybe it's just leftover gas from Burpin' U.S.A.]
10. Burpin' U.S.A.
[This is what two colas consumed at warp speed and a grown man pogo-ing in place will produce.]
11. Sober Up
[Apparently, alcohol cures outside wounds but is lousy on inside wounds. Also, this song contains a fake word.]
12. Mrs. Brown
[The oldest song on the record. I made Brad sing lead because he makes a better deviant. ]
13. Pizza by the Slice
[Ya had to be there.]
14. Real Presents
[Real Presence.]
15. Dinah Shore
[I guess this song proves the Zigs will never be funky. Yes, that's producer R.P. who enjoys mechanics magazines.]
16. Tent City
[See 2 Cor. 5:1-11]
17. Tie One On
[Another one of my older songs (see Sober Up).]
18. Instant Christmas
[...And just in time to send to your jailed loved ones.]
19. Hyundai Monday
[The day to day downer drudgery can be overcome with thoughts of heaven residency.]
20. I'm Eatin to Shove My Feelings Down
[...Formerly a size 30 waist line.]
21. Cheese in Wisconsin
[...Thanks for stickin around...]



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